ProSolution is a leading ERP solutions provider in the area Personnel Service. We have dedicated ourselves to the topic of human resource management, have been developing and supporting web-based and mobile software products with the necessary continuity and professionalism since the year 2000.

Our concept proves us right. Our Software as a Service (SaaS) is innovative, lower costs and user-friendly. We are successful on the national and international market thanks to our innovative technologies.

We know how important the optimal interaction between humans and time is. Your aspiration for a dynamic and efficient software is our goal. With a high level of competence and commitment, the ProSolution team will help your company to become even more success.


ERP and HRM for temporary work and human resources management

ProSolution go!

Software-Solution for digital timerecording

4 Jobs Personalmanagement GmbH

Alfred Harrich | CEO
<br> "We were looking for a complete temporary employment solution to simplify billing and increase customer proximity. WorkExpert was the best we've ever met for our company."

Büroring Personalmanagement GmbH

Christian Schodl – Leiter IT
“Top customer service with very good advice. Requirements and questions are handled competently and quickly by mail. ProSolution offers us an enormous workload reduction due to the user-friendly and intuitive interface and provides valuable evaluations, among other things. For us still the optimal partner for many years!”

Job-TransFair GmbH

Mag. Thomas Rihl - CEO
“With WorkExpert we have found a complete solution for the non-profit-making company, can work from anywhere and do without in-house servers.”

Trenkwalder Personaldienste GmbH

MBA. Elke Reinhalter - Department IT Software Leader
“ProSolution has the competence and flexibility to meet the special requirements of Trenkwalder personnel services.”

ambergreen S.L. is a subsidiary of ProSolution, responsible for mobile development
and distribution in Spain. We have been working together since 2014.