Humanity is important to us

Humanity is important to us

Water, food, hygiene items, clothing and medicines are standard for us. For many people in Uruguay, basic supplies are a major daily challenge. Our project this year takes us to parts of Canleones, where people live in great poverty and cannot cover the basic daily needs.

A member of our ProSolution team was directly on site over Christmas and distributed food, hygiene items, clothing, etc. to the affected people.

The joy of the families was enormous. With our support the basic supply is covered for a few months.

We are very happy that we were able to support affected families and thus make everyday life easier for a certain time.

The non-profit association “Arche Herzensbrücken” offers families with seriously ill/impaired children the opportunity to recover for a few days in a family-run hotel in Seefeld/Tyrol.

The children are cared for by a professional team and receive necessary therapies. The rest of the family can look forward to exciting vacation activities.

Arche Herzensbrücken offers a piece of normality for the whole family.

A stay at Arche Herzensbrücken should be possible regardless of the family’s financial resources.
The care of the children as well as the majority of all leisure and recreational activities are free of charge for the families and are financed by the association.

We are very happy to be able to support the project Arche Herzensbrücken, especially since we knew supervisors who work as volunteers.

GF Horst Szeli
Hermannstal Street 558
A-6100 Seefeld

Telephone: +43 (0) 650 6151965

Bank details for the project:
IBAN: AT90 3631 4000 0022 6571

The aid project “High Life Kids” is a non-profit organisation which was founded in 2015 by Karin Oberscheider (resident in Vorarlberg).

Due to the current worldwide health situation, day labourers have no income anymore, which is why the famine in Senegal is increasing enormously.
The aid project “High Life Kids” supports the affected families with food and hygiene products.

Thanks to the Christmas donation from ProSolution, a further distribution of the aid packages to the families of over 100 High Life Kids children could be organised.
The organisation of the purchase and the distribution to all families was carried out by the kindergarten director Oumy. The distribution took place on Friday, 27th November 2020.

We are very pleased that we can support the children and their families in Senegal financially this year, especially as one of our employees knows the project supervisor personally and is in constant contact with him.

Mrs Karin Oberscheider
Wegelersfeld 6a
6842 Coblach

Phone: +43 676 88 005 806

Bank details for the “High Life Kids” project:
IBAN: AT86 3742 2000 0841 0037

Arche Herzensbrücken is a non-profit association that offers families with seriously ill children some days normality.

In a family hotel in Seefeld / Tyrol, affected families have the opportunity to recover for a few days.

Through a professional team the children are offered the necessary care and individual therapies during the stay.

The care of the children as well as the majority of all leisure and recreational offers are free of charge for the families and are financed by the association.

We are very pleased to support the project Arche Herzensbrücken, especially since we knew supervisors who work as volunteers.

GF Horst Szeli
Hermannstalstraße 558
A-6100 Seefeld

Phone: +43 (0) 650 6151965

Bank data for the project:

IBAN: AT90 3631 4000 0022 6571

This year our help goes to Nairobi. In Nairobi, the Mukuru slum is heavily overcrowed, insecure and lacking in basic health and sanitation. Most people live in absolute poverty. Due to these circumstances, the children are raised on the street. Ms. Sr. Mary Kileen founded a promotion center in Mukuru in 1985. The organization started building a school with the goal of getting children off the street to orphanages.

The street children are provided with food, clothing and medicines at the orphanage. Through education in the school and the social environment, the young people obtain a good basis for a better future.

We are very happy to support the children in Nairobi financially, especially since we knew the project supervisor from Vorarlberg Mr. Fröhlich.

Markus Fröhlich
Bahnhofstr. 13
6800 Feldkirch

Phone: +43 5522 3485 215

Bank data for the project:

IBAN: AT23 2060 4000 0003 5600

We are very pleased to be able to support the lighting equipment of the operation building in Cameroon this year.

Dr. med. Elisabeth Neier, born in Dornbirn/Vorarlberg, began in October 1989 as a general practitioner in Cameroon. At that time, she expected a modestly equipped hospital, local nursing staff and inadequate water and electricity supplies. Through her decades in Cameroon, Dr. Neier has a great experience and a good overall view. Strengthened by this, she succeeds in making the best possible decisions even in difficult situations.

Founded in 2003, the association “Development Partnership for Cameroon” has set itself the goal of offering effective and sustainable assistance on a partnership level in the medical and craft sector.

As a result, a new surgical wing for the hospital was opened in March 2014 in Ngaoubela/Cameroon. This new construction of the operation building was a major goal, since the old permises – especially in terms of hygienic conditions and the monitoring options after the operations – even for modest Cameroonian requirements were simply no longer sufficient and urgently to be improved.

The architectural planning and realization of the project was established with students of the Technical University in Munich together with Cameroonian construction workers.

This spring, lightning strikes destroyed the generators. Since then, the power supply for the lighting can no longer be ensured. Due to the poor lighting conditions, it is only possible to operate at certain times of the day. The emergency operations are currently carried out with headlamps.

We are very pleased to be able to financially support the new lighting system of the surgical wing, especially since we personally know nurses who have already worked in the hospital in Cameroon.

Entwicklungspartnerschaft für Kamerun
Gartenstraße 10
6700 Bludenz

Phone: +43 5552 62118

Bank data for the project:

Receiver: Entwicklungspartnerschaft für Kamerun
Bank: Vorarlberger Hypothekenbank
IBAN: AT33 5800 0123 5853 5117

We are very happy to support this year the social project of Anton Kuttner, the association “Husky Toni´s child dream”.

Anton Kuttner, born on 10 December 1971 in Bludesch (Vorarlberg), received the life-threatening diagnostic of leukemia at the age of seven. After spending more than a year in various hospitals, he was donated by his sister, bone marrow, who saved his life. A gift from his mother has given him strength during this uncertain and difficult time – a book about huskies. From that moment on, he had the wish to own a Husky  himself – and he fulfilled his wish at the age of 24.

Anton Kuttner, formerly himself affected, had the wish to share his happiness of recovery with other children suffering from cancer and realized his long-cherished dream with the founding of the association “Husky Toni´s child dream” in December 2014. The association enables children suffering from cancer “Toni” and his 18 huskies to spend some carefree hours to talk about the disease and thereby recharge their batteries to defeat the disease as well.

In Vorarlberg, free and eventful “Huskydays” are offered to affected children – including sleigh rides, caresses, barbecues and overnight stays in a husky camp.

Furthermore “Husky Toni´s children dream” allows the children a five-day stay at the husky camp in Sweden. Arriving at the camp, the children get their own huskies, which they take care of during their stay. The four-legged friends quickly become real friends. The beautiful canoe and raft rides, husky exits, bear cave tours, cooking together and talking over the campfire will be an unforgettable experience for the children.

The costs of the stay carries up to a deductible of the association. All this is only possible if the association is supported by donations.

If you are interested, you can also help the association “Husky Toni´s child dream” and finally the children suffering from cancer.

Anton und Verena Kuttner
Quadres 19a
A-6719 Bludesch

Phone: +43 676 952 18 50
Press: Artikel “Husky Toni’s Kindertraum” in den Vorarlberger Nachrichten


Bank data for the project:

Receiver: Husky Toni’s Kindertraum
Bank: Hypo Bank Bludenz
IBAN: AT30 5800 0135 8090 5018

This year our help goes to Senegal. The project “High Life Kids” was launched there this year, with the aim of offering children from socially disadvantaged families aged 3-5 years the opportunity to attend nursery school. This step is very important, as it is there that the children are taught social components, including the French language, which is a prerequisite for attending a good school and thus for a better future.


Karin Oberscheider, a close acquaintance of an employee, founded the project “High Life Kids” in early 2015 based on a conversation with a Senegalese living in Vorarlberg and the well-known musician Erich Nachbauer. Together, they finally managed to open a nursery school in early October in the port city of Mbour on the basis of many donations. The children are looked after by 5 nursery school teachers. Karin Oberscheider is on a site several times a year to oversee the project. Their next goal is to give the children a playground. We are very happy to support this project financially!

If you are interested, you too can help! 
(Project supervisor Karin Oberscheider is available for information at any time.)

Frau Karin Oberscheider
Wegelersfeld 6a
6842 Koblach

Phone: +43 664 75038997

Bank data for the project:
Association help project: High Life Kids

IBAN: AT34 3742 9000 0241 0033

We are also happy to accept your inquiries.
Contact ProSolution by e-mail at or call us on: +43 5552 34717!

One of our business partners, together with three Namibians who have been living in Vorarlberg for a long time, started the project “UBUNTU” (construction of a school residence in the north of Namibia). Although Namibia is one of Africa´s most politically stable countries, poverty is still widespread. This often affects children who are therefore unable to enjoy a school education. So it is a matter of the heart to support such a project.


At the end of 2013, a lecture took place in Vorarlberg. Numerous visitors visited this event and with the help of generous donations the realization of this project became finally possible.

In April 2014, the construction of the school home for about 60 preschool children – most orphans – was started. As early as June 2014, the first concrete walls stood. The local workers were highly motivated and looking forward to finishing the schoolhouse as soon as possible. The children were already in the new building on the first day of school and the orphans could not wait to move into their new home.

Everything seemed almost perfect. In summer, however, the water pumps with windmill and the catch tank were completely destroyed by a herd of elephants. After all, the workers made every effort to rebuild the water reservoir as quickly as possible in order to be able to supply the inhabitants with water again. This reconstruction was also financially supported by the project UBUNTU. In October 2014, despite construction freeze, the shell of the school dormitory could be completed. New donations for the interior work and for the construction of a barbed wire fence against the attack of herds of elephants will continue to be collected in order to complete the project successfully.

We are very pleased to be able to financially support this project, especially since Rainer Konzett (CEO ProSolution AG) knows the project supervisor personally and is in constant contact with him.

Our support this year is aimed at the devastated regions of the cyclone disaster in the Philippines. In early November, they were hit by a typhoon, which devastated large parts of the country with a five-hour storm and tidal waves up to six meters high. As a result of the destruction of the local infrastructure collapsed completely and people hope at least until Christmas to get back electricity. Many families lost their existence or even family members and friends. The picture after the catastrophe are fatal and give information about the desperate situation of the survivors.

Rev. Werner Ludescher from Dornbirn, also this year our local contact, flew to Tacloban at the end of November to coordinate and ensure the vital supply of drinking water, food and daily necessities. His reports reflect the mixture of desperation, but also strength and hope of the survivors, not to lose heart in these bad times. Together with local helpers, people are trying to bring order to the prevailing chaos, to cleanse the city from the rubble of desolation, and to gradually restore their home. The locals are supported by payment during the cleanup. Likewise, in the only church still standing, masses of encouragement and power creation will be held – “we are roofless, we are homeless, but not hopeless” is the motto of all those involved!

The city of Tacloban, focus of our support, is located in the region of our Christmas project “Riceland” from the previous year. On the 2.5 hectares of land provided, 20 workers saved their livelihoods and those of their families. It was planned to tap another 2.5 hectares of acreage from the profit gained. Unfortunately, the natural disaster put a strain on the workers. Although the last harvest could be caught shortly before the storm, but the storm has completely destroyed large parts of the cultivation land. The planned promotion of the education of children from the working-class families must therefore wait a while.

​If you are interested, you can also support the victims of the cyclone disaster!
(Project supervisor Rev. Werner Ludescher is available for information at any time)

Herr Pfarrer Werner Ludescher
Pfarre St. Sebastian – Oberdorf
Bergstrasse 10
6850 Dornbirn

Phone: +43 664 2259119

Bank data for the project:

Pfarrkirche Oberdorf – Oliver Mazo
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Rheintal
IBAN: AT59 3742 0114 0310 0443

We are also happy to accept your inquiries.
Contact ProSolution by e-mail at or call us on: +43 5552 34717!

Our help goes to the Philippines this year. The “Reisland” project is a young, ambitious non-profit project. It was founded in the spring of 2012. With the help of sponsors, 2.5 hectares of land were acquired. This forms the basis for a first rice plantation for 20 workers. Three months later, the first harvest could already be brought in. All workers receive a fair compensation. The existence of their families is thereby ensured.


The goal of the nonprofit project is to give people work so that they can take care of their families. Their self-esteem is enhanced by not receiving donations, but earning a living themselves. All proceeds are reinvested to acquire other lands and create more jobs. In addition, the profit from the first harvest was used to finance a much-needed machinery for processing the rice country. The next two goals: In 2014, another 2.5 hectares of land will be purchased to give even more workers a chance for the future. Secondly, the net proceeds are intended to support young people for the purpose of training a profession.

Project supervisor over there is Professor Oliver T. Mazo (from Kananga in Leyte) as well as pastor Werner Ludescher (from Dornbirn, Vorarlberg – parish St. Sebastian Oberdorf). You are the guarantor that the objectives of the project and the non-profit idea are strictly adhered to. We are very pleased to be able to financially support this project, especially as Rainer Konzett (CEO of ProSolution AG) knows Pastor Werner Ludescher personally and is in constant contact with him.

If you are interested, you are welcome to support this project! 
(Project supervisor Rev. Werner Ludescher is available for information at any time)

Herr Pfarrer Werner Ludescher
Pfarre St. Sebastian – Oberdorf
Bergstrasse 10
6850 Dornbirn

Phone: +43 664 2259119

Bank data for the project:

Pfarrkirche Oberdorf – Oliver Mazo
Bank: Raiffeisenbank Rheintal
IBAN: AT59 3742 0114 0310 0443

We are also happy to accept your inquiries.
Contact ProSolution by e-mail at or call us on: +43 5552 34717!