With WorkExpert, you have the option to choose between out two packages: Premium and Premium Plus. You can tailor the functionality of our SaaS solutions to your specific needs.

Easily and individually decide on a package.
Upgrade flexibly to the next larger package when needed.
Perfectly tailored to meet your requirements.

WorkExpert Premium

The Premium Package is our smallest bundle, comprising the full version of WorkExpert and talents!, the solution for fully integrated recruiting – essential for professional staffing agencies! Additionally, the package includes the go! products for quick and easy time and absence tracking.

WorkExpertSoftware-as-a-Service with comprehensive features such as E-Billing, open items and dunning management, time tracking, payroll and invoicing calculation, CRM, and HR management
talents!Digitized external recruiting, including CV parsing (30 per user included) and targeted internal personnel selection
go!Web-based and mobile time and attendance software with absence management

WorkExpert PremiumPlus

The Premium Plus Package includes the full version of WorkExpert and talents!, the solution for fully integrated recruiting. Additionally, it incorporates docs!, the tamper-proof online archiving of all documents – ideal for professional and digitized personnel service providers! Furthermore, the package includes the go! products for quick and easy time and absence tracking.

WorkExpertSoftware-as-a-Service with all functions such as E-invoicing, open items and dunning management, time tracking, payroll and invoicing calculation, CRM, HR management and Digital Signature.
talents!Digitized external recruiting, including CV parsing (40 per user included) and targeted internal personnel selection.
go!Web-based and mobile time and attendance software with absence management
docs!Tamper-proof archive storage.

WorkExpert digitizes your work environment. Our experts are ready to assist you in choosing the right software package for your needs.